Error message when double click on an existing Graph object


Glen Millar

Hi Les,

This should help:

Can't edit Org Chart, Graph, Excel (error msg: "server application, source
file, or item can't be found")



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP


glen at powerpointworkbench dot com

Please tell us your PowerPoint / Windows version,
whether you are using vba, whether
your cows are in the corn paddock, or
anything else relevant.


I get the following error message when clicking on a previously inserted MS
Graph object in a PowerPoint Slide:
"The server application, source file, or item can't be found, or returned an
unknown error. Ypu may need to reinstall the server application."
I have tried several times to reinstall Office, without succes.

jan salden

I am getting the same message on two different computers. one is running
win2k the otherone Xp prof.
I am having the probelm after upgrading from off2k to office2003.
After going back to off2k the application works fine. Wo don't use norton
any suggestions?

jan salden

Glen Millar


Norton is not the only thing mentioned in the link. Did you try the other



Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP


glen at powerpointworkbench dot com

Please tell us your PowerPoint / Windows version,
whether you are using vba, whether
your cows are in the corn paddock, or
anything else relevant.

jan salden

Hallo Glen

Yes I checked the other suggestions to. Re registerd MS Graph, checked
graph.exe.Removed Mcafee from the computer.
The problem was first noticed when one of the users got a new laptop and at
the same time was upgrade to Office2003 from office 2000 The operating system
in both cases was Xp.
I later found the same problem on a desktop running Windows 2000 and office
A few more computers with office 2003 work fine.
Today I made a new presentation with only one sheet and inserted a graph. I
can edit the graph as long as i don't hit the button" exit and return to
presentation". After doing this and trying to re open the object i get the
error message.
One more thing I noticed was when using the same function in Excell.( Insert
Microsoft graph chart) I can close and reopenthe object without a problem.
One more thing that might be relevant is that after changing back to Office
2000 on this computer I can open and edit the object without any problem.

If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Jan Salden

jan salden

Hallo glen

I think I solved my problem. Monday I will test the second computer just to
maken sure. It looks as if there is a relation with Nero 7.


jan salden

jan salden

I tested the second computer and with the same result.
I first uninstalled nero 7. This did not solve the problem.
So I installed Nero again but at the file association table I selected the
option deselect all.
Problem solved.
Boss happy

Jan Salden


Hello Jan

I've the same problem as you had, so i was trying to uninstall nero 7
and reinstalling it deselecting all associations as you said in your
last post without the success that you got.

Are you sure about i don't have to modify anything in windows registry
or anywhere? Did you install all programs from nero 7 pack or a few of

If you have some further information about this matter, please let me
It's making me crazy!!!

Boss unhappy
Thanks in advance

jan salden ha escrito:

jan salden

hallo titohoyo

I only did what I wrote in my post. I just found this solutution by chance.
I de- installed Nero. This did not help. So I reinstalled it again. but I
chose not to select any of the file associatons Nero offered.
after this I tried the powerpoint presentation and I found the problem solved.
I then did the same with the latop where the problem started and had the
same result.
I installed a full version of nero but I am only using it to burn a data cd
or dvd.
I am sure it has something to do with nero but deinstalling is apperently
not enogh.
Maybe there is another way to remove it compleetly from your pc so that all
the registry settings are removed.
Maybe there is some more info on the Nero site. There must be more people
with the same problem.


jan salden

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