Error message when trying data validation



Hi All,

I'm trying to limit acceptable entries in a document I'm creating.
What I'm trying to do is make it so a user can only enter part numbers from
a specific list. The list is 34 part numbers long.

I've created the list and went to Insert>Name>Define, and named this list as
'CH', and then gone into Data>Validation then Allowed 'List', and the Source
as =CH for cells A4:A65536.

When this is done, I can choose any of the 34 parts from the list, but when
I try to manually enter any value except the first, I get an error message
saying "The
value you entered is not valid. A user has restricted values that can be
entered into this cell."

I want to be able to either type the number in, or choose it from the list.

Any ideas? I am using Excel 2000.


Jeff Boyce

You appears to be describing an Excel-related question ("cells A4:A65536").

This newsgroup supports Microsoft Access, the relational database.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Although this question would be better addressed in an Excel forum, I
believe that one possible answer to your question is that you SHOULD be
able to use the drop down arrow and click one of the other values from the
list to select it when typing doesn't work.

GIve that a try as I seem to recall having to deal with that issue at one

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