Error message when using Pivot Table



I get an error message when I try to manipulate a very large Pivot Table. The
message says "Excel cannot make this change because there are too many row or
column items. Drag at least one row or column field off the PivotTable or to
the page position. Alternatively, right click a field and then click Hide or
Hide levels on the shortcut menu."

I can't even figure out how to execute the remedies in the error message! I
can manipulate other Pivot Tables from other ss just fine. And my colleagues
have no trouble with this particular very large Pivot Table--just me. Is
this a capacity issue with my computer? Hard disk size?

Dave Breitenbach

Hard to say, but a couple of observations I've had.

Usually that error has to do with so many vertical columns necessary in the
pivot table that it would go beyond the right side of the last allowable
excel column, namely column IV. (Its also possible horizontally, but you have
much more room there). Has there been more data added since the last user
used it successfully? If not has any of the existing data changed which may
cause more columns or rows?

Usually figuring out this problem can be done best by eliminating fields one
at a time in a test file and figuring out which one causes you(by itself) to
get the error - or in this case avoids the error. Then it should be obvious
why its happening.



Excellent. Can you tell me exactly how to remove a field? And what is a
field? The individual cell? Or row or column? Clearly, I need some basics

Dave Breitenbach

The help menus in excel are pretty good for the basics. A field is either a
column or row header in the pivot table - default color is grey. You can
click and drag any of them "off" the pivot table. When the mouse pointer
becomes an "X" let go and it will be removed.

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