Error Message


Jimmy Phare

I'm running Outlook 2003 under XP Home with SP2. I open Outlook after I've booted up, it checks my Gmail account, no problems. I then minimize it to my system tray. Mail comes in, it notifies me, I read it, respond or not, then minimize it again. It can work fine like this for one hour, sometimes several hours. Then I'll open it, and get a bubble saying the following:

Outlook is not responding. If you are using an Exchange server e-mail account, you can cancel pending server requests by clicking the Outlook icon in the notifications area, and then clicking Cancel Server Requests on the shortcut menu.

I have to close the program and wait maybe ten seconds or so before reopening it, and it's fine again, till the next time. I've observed my behaviour leading up to this, kept a note of what I'm doing, what else I have open, but can find no pattern. I'm seriously considering switching programs if I can't get to the bottom of this. Any suggestions anyone?

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