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I have just encountered this problem on my db.

Microsoft Access cant create any more controls on this
form or report.

If you have deleted controls from this for or report in
the past, you may be able to rename the form or report and
add more controls to it.

i have tried renaming but no look

any help wouldbe much appreciated


Van T. Dinh

There is a limit on the number of Controls on Form/Report (700+) but deleted
Controls are counted in this limit until you close the design of the Form (I
think). Even though TextBoxes, ComboBoxes, ListBoxes, Labels, Lines, etc...
are included in the limit, 700+ is still a fairly high number.

Have you checked and see how many Controls you have on the Form / Report?

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Van T. Dinh



in the Debug/Immediate window of the VBE window.

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

Marco Simone

I am also interested in this question. If I have form with 5 Tab Controls.
Does it count controls on all Tabs? I will have more then 800 controls
including labels on five Tab Controls.

Thanks for answer, Marco

Van T. Dinh

Yes, Access does count the Controls on the TabControl as belonging to the
Form unless the Controls are in a Subform which sits on a Page of the

Another the point you probably need to consider is the ease of use for the
users. Having lots of Controls on a single Form WILL confuse the users. It
is much better to create a set of "linked" Forms rather than a single Form.
I don't think I have ever reached even 300 Controls on the Form. I have a
Report that has over 300 Controls but most of them a straight lines.

Marco Simone

Thanks Van,

Controls are in a Subforms which sits on a Pages of the TabControl, so I
will not have to redisign form.

Thanks for expertise, Marco

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