Error messages after renaming my (C) Drive


Cats Whiskers

After renaming the (C) drive I found that the previous name did not change
in networked items. So I went back in and pressed okay to a statement that
said I would own the drive. I thought it had to do with renaming and
pressed okay. Now I am getting this message all the time (listed below).
The windows updates could not up date the computer for the same reason. Is
there a way to correct the problem. I don't even know how to get the box
that I did this for and what to change it back to anyway.

Okay Lynn here it is, straight from the Urban Dictionary: iDiane: Someone
amazingly beautiful, who's smart, funny, great to be around, and just
overall perfect. They tend to be extremely pretty, irresistable, and easy to
fall in love with.

Peter Foldes

Cats Whiskers

First of all this is the wrong newsgroup to post your issue to . It should be posted
to the Vista newsgroup since you are using Vista.
Secondly the best advice that I can give you is to back up your data and do a clean

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