I have been having the same problem and have spent-----Original Message-----
I do a lot of work with Word documents. Frequently, when
I save or close a document, using save button or "close"
on File Menu, I get an error message saying Word would
close all programs and exit. Error signature: App Ver
100.4030.0, Mod Ver 00.00, Offset 00690074. Before Word
exits, it offers the Document Recovery Pane, enabling me
to recover docs--tho it's a cumbersome procedure and
frequently results in loss of a document because of
confusion. Even if I managed to recover all docs, the
loss of time and interruption of work is costly. Trying
to solve the problem, I have uninstalled and reinstalled
Word 2002, have used the repair function in "Help," and
have set the amount of time lapsing between automatic
saves to only 1 minute. Still the interruptions continue
on order of once every 6 hours of work with Word. Does
anyone have a solution?
countless hours researching the problem with no luck.
Please, can anyone help?!?