Error messages



I have an access database with a database level password on it that is used
by multiple people at different locations. Every so often, a person will
receive an error message like "Could not find object 'Scripts'", but I don't
have an object (to my knowledge) with that name. People will also see an
error message that states "Can't find macro maxwin", which I do use maxwin
after some forms are closed or something like that. Has anyone seen those
messages before?

Thank you for your time.

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

One of the dangers of using a database that hasn't been split is that some
people may have difficulties with objects in the front-end (forms, code,
etc.). When there are multiple users, split the database, putting the tables
(data) in a back-end, running from a server, with individual copies of the
front-end running on each workstation.

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