error msg. "External component has thrown an exception"



My fax system, automates MS Word and does a Mail/Merge operation using a Word
document and an Access database. I look for marker characters (?) in the word
document and replace them with merge fields. The program would stop at the
Find function and give the error message: “External component has thrown an
exception†. Here is a code excerpt with the problem statement highlighted:

' Go to top of page

' ----------------------------

CW("Insert Merge Fields")


' Find 1st question mark (SENDER_NAME)

' ------------------------------------

With appWD.Selection.Find


.Text = "?"


End With


' Create Sender Name merge field

' ------------------------------

appWD.ActiveDocument.MailMerge.Fields.Add(Range:=appWD.ActiveWindow.Selecton.Range, _


I first removed fix KB929061 – Problem persisted

I then removed KB920816 – Problem persisted

When I removed KB929063, everything started working.

I wonder if it’s only KB929063 or a combination of the above that caused the

Hope someone can help.

Peter Jamieson

It sounds as if you have already identified the source of the problem - I
had a look at the bulletins related to that update but as so often they are
too general to be of use: i.e. some security problem has been identified in
some part of Office (Excel/PowerPoint in this case I think) and a fix
issued. Unfortunate for us when a side-effect of the fix causes Word to
fail. The people here don't work for Microsoft so you may be better off
reporting this directly to them via (say) an online support incident.

The only thing I would double check is that the name of the Mergefield you
are inserting is identical to the one that Word thinks it should be (i.e.
have a look at the list of field names in the
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource.DataFields collection).

Peter Jamieson


Hi Peter

My colleague who I made the request for forgot to mention this process used and I did contact Microsoft about the problem. As a software support
tech, I have seen more problems with this fix and am waiting to hear from
Microsoft on how to resolve it.

Thanx Ivan