Error on loading userform



I have a user who is getting an error when he tries to load a specific
userform. He is clicking a command button to pop up the form. I do not get
the error when I run it on my computer. There are other userforms in the
file that are working fine. This is not a large form, and contains only a
few fields.

Here is the error:
"Errors occurred during load"

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Norman Jones

Hi Debra,

Try running Rob Bovey' Code Cleaner which may be
downloaded, free of charge at:

If this does not resolve the problem, try deleting the
problematic form and inport the working version from
your file,


Hi Norman,

Thanks, I will try that. Question: I developed this spreadsheet using
Excel 2003. The user is running it on Excel 2002. Do you think that would
cause any problems? There is no option to "Save As" an Excel 2002 file.


Norman Jones

Hi Trader,

The user is running it on Excel 2002. Do you think that would
cause any problems? There is no option to "Save As" an Excel 2002 file

Given the reported error, I would think it unlikely.


I am running it on a different computer (not the development machine) with no
problems. However, I noticed that there is a delay before it opens. But
once I open and close it. I can open it again with no delay.

I'm not sure if that delay is what is causing the error message on the
user's computer. I assume that the screen is going through the
initialization subroutine. I don't get an error. The screen will open after
the delay.

Norman Jones

Hi Trader,

Try my original suggestions and, if you still have a
problem, post back.

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