#error on reoprts generated



This message Occurs when Running A user defined function that contains any
sort of calculation eg
caclulating Words per minute using TWO fields NO_Of_words & time in minutes
How can i Avoid This #error

Marshall Barton

Abualharith said:
This message Occurs when Running A user defined function that contains any
sort of calculation eg
caclulating Words per minute using TWO fields NO_Of_words & time in minutes
How can i Avoid This #error

A common cause of #Error is when the text box expression
uses a record source field that is also the name of the text
box control. If that's the problem, the fix is to simply
change the name of the text box to something else such as

If that's not the problem, try to provide more clues along
with a copy/paste of the expression and the type of the
fields in their table.

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