I am have PC with Access 97 and 2003 installed.
The mdb extension is et to 97.
I am opening a 2003 mdb via a win form written in vb.
the database opens and the tries instantiate a
DAO global database object.
A reference to DAO 3.51 exists.
But on the OpenDatabase of the following code I
get a "unjrecognized database format" error.
I think it has to with 97 but don't know why.
Global gobjWSjet As DAO.Workspace '--Jet workspace object
Global gobjDBjet As DAO.Database '--Jet database object
Set gobjWSjet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
Set gobjDBjet = gobjWSjet.OpenDatabase(CurrentDb.Name, False)
I am have PC with Access 97 and 2003 installed.
The mdb extension is et to 97.
I am opening a 2003 mdb via a win form written in vb.
the database opens and the tries instantiate a
DAO global database object.
A reference to DAO 3.51 exists.
But on the OpenDatabase of the following code I
get a "unjrecognized database format" error.
I think it has to with 97 but don't know why.
Global gobjWSjet As DAO.Workspace '--Jet workspace object
Global gobjDBjet As DAO.Database '--Jet database object
Set gobjWSjet = CreateWorkspace("", "admin", "", dbUseJet)
Set gobjDBjet = gobjWSjet.OpenDatabase(CurrentDb.Name, False)