Error opening outlook 2007


ahmed m.m.

Vista - Outlook 2007.

My Outlook 2007 has stopped working. I get an error message "Can not start
MS Outlook. Can not open outlook window"

Any assistance will be hihly appreciated.


ahmed m.m.


It worked like a charm, thank you very much. Out of curiosity, may I ask
you, what went wrong?

Thanks again.


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

It worked like a charm, thank you very much. Out of curiosity, may I ask
you, what went wrong?

There appears to be a recent update that corrupts the XML file that controls
the Navigation Pane view. The /resetnavpane command switch regenerates the
file from scratch.

ahmed m.m.

Thanks, Brian.


Brian Tillman said:
There appears to be a recent update that corrupts the XML file that
controls the Navigation Pane view. The /resetnavpane command switch
regenerates the file from scratch.

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