Error: Org Chart shapes are not recognized


Carl A.

I have an Org Chart created in Visio 2002, and am now using 2003 SP2.

When I select a shape in the Org Chart (all drag and drop from the
Organizational Chart Shapes stencil, and attempt to "hide divider line",
convert, etc, I get some version of "Select one or more organization chart
shapes, and then try again" error message.

New shapes dropped into the existing chart give me the same error message,
but the context menu on right click is appropriate for org chart shapes.

It would seem that either the org chart macros are not running or the file
somehow is not recognized as a org chart.

Are the any suggestions (other than 'start over') on what I can do to
restore org chart functionality to the file?

Mark Nelson [MS]

Hi Carl,

Visio 2003 asks whether you want to upgrade prior version Org Charts when
they are first opened in Visio. It is possible that this upgrade was not
done. You might try saving the document back to the Visio 2002 format and
reopening to see if that helps.

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Carl A.

I think the 'conversion' is not actually occuring. I get the message about
conversion EVERY time I open either the 'orginal' file OR the file saved with
a new name. Both files exhibit exactly the same behavior.

Any suggestions?

Mark Nelson [MS]

Does that mean that you agreed to conversion but Visio acts like conversion
didn't happen?

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Carl A.

Correct. I have clicked both the "No" which just allows the program to
continue, and the "Yes" which takes me through the "Save As" process.
Regardless of the option selected the error message appears when a shape is
selected and an org chart function is attempted.

The original file and the "Save As" file when opened both take me to the
"conversion" dialog.

Mark Nelson [MS]

It sounds like the converter is getting hung up on something and failing to
complete. If you are willing to e-mail the document to me, I'd be happy to
take a closer look. (Omit "online" from my e-mail address.)

Mark Nelson
Office Graphics - Visio
Microsoft Corporation

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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