Peder Rutström said:
I have a problem with Entourage 2004.
My mac is connected to exchange server and everything was going perfectly
until couple days go.
The problem says: ERROR -39 reach the end of file, have tried to rebuild the
database, tried to reinstall entourage but no success, can someone please
give me a clue
As luck would have it, I ran into this same error message just a couple
days ago.
I was perplexed for about 30 minutes until i remembered I had recently
change my location settings in System Preferences > Network. It turns
out I had inadvertently made a change that made it so my system could no
longer resolve the host name of the Exchange server. The -39 error
message was the only symptom Entourage gave me that it could not contact
the Exchange server host.
To see if you have the same problem, try this:
Get the exchange server address from Entourage:
1. Open Entourage.
2. From the Entourage menu bar, choose Tools > Accounts.
3. Double-click the Exchange account in the list to edit it.
4. In the Edit Account window, select the Account Settings tab.
5. Copy the Exchange server host name from the "Exchange Server" text
box to the clipboard.
See if your system can resolve the Exchange server name:
1. Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.
2. Enter this command (where hostname is the pasted Exchange server host
dig hostname
If your system is able to resolve the host name, you will see an entry
in the dig output similar to this:
If the name does not resolve, then you need to check your location
settings and correct them so that the host name once again resolves
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