Error: Query too long therefore will be truncated



I would like to add the following statement in my query but an error pops up
to say that my query is too long therefore it was truncated.... How will I
solve this!

DCount("*","Holidays","HolidayDate Between " &
Format$([RqstDateRcvd],"\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & " And " &
Format$([TxDocDateRcvd],"\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & " And Weekday(HolidayDate, 1)
<> 1 " & " And Weekday(HolidayDate, 1) <> 7 ")

Or [tblTaxDoc]![TaxDocName]="1099") And
Or ([tblTaxDoc]![TaxDocName] In ("1040","1065","1120") And

Jerry Whittle

Try this. In the FROM statement of the SQL make it look something like:
FROM tblTaxDoc T, tblBorrower B
Then where the specific tables are in the SQL, replace them with T or B

Also if your table or field names don't have spaces, you can remove the
square brackets [] around them. Lastly Access tends to format SQL with way
too many open and close parenthesis (). You could try getting rid of some of

Statements like this:
[tblTaxDoc]![TaxDocName]="W2" Or [tblTaxDoc]![TaxDocName]="1099")
Could be shortened to:
[tblTaxDoc]![TaxDocName] In ("W2","1099")


That worked, but when I to put the in clause where there are only 2 items,
its gives me an error...

Jerry Whittle said:
Try this. In the FROM statement of the SQL make it look something like:
FROM tblTaxDoc T, tblBorrower B
Then where the specific tables are in the SQL, replace them with T or B

Also if your table or field names don't have spaces, you can remove the
square brackets [] around them. Lastly Access tends to format SQL with way
too many open and close parenthesis (). You could try getting rid of some of

Statements like this:
[tblTaxDoc]![TaxDocName]="W2" Or [tblTaxDoc]![TaxDocName]="1099")
Could be shortened to:
[tblTaxDoc]![TaxDocName] In ("W2","1099")

Jerry Whittle
Light. Strong. Cheap. Pick two. Keith Bontrager - Bicycle Builder.

JOM said:
I would like to add the following statement in my query but an error pops up
to say that my query is too long therefore it was truncated.... How will I
solve this!

DCount("*","Holidays","HolidayDate Between " &
Format$([RqstDateRcvd],"\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & " And " &
Format$([TxDocDateRcvd],"\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#") & " And Weekday(HolidayDate, 1)
<> 1 " & " And Weekday(HolidayDate, 1) <> 7 ")

Or [tblTaxDoc]![TaxDocName]="1099") And
Or ([tblTaxDoc]![TaxDocName] In ("1040","1065","1120") And

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