DeanH;2542696 Wrote:
Are the captions in the Text Box as well?
Cross referencing and Table of Figures/Tables wont find these if they
are in
the Text boxes.
I believe the only solution is to extract the captions from the Text
ie. use Find to search for "Figure" and "Table" and then individually
Cut/Paste the captions to the body of the document. Then hopefully the
referencing and Table of Figures/Tables should work. Maybe extract all
(caption and image/table) from each text box and slot into the body of
Sorry but you still have some work to do. At least you have learnt to
restrict the use of Text Boxes to items that need to be outside the
body of
the document.
Hope this helps and good luck with the thesis.
I need help. I just inserted and formatted the figures and tables of
300+ thesis. But when I hit F9 to refresh the links all my tables and
figures were lost and on their places are left "Error! Reference
source not found" for the cross-references and "Error! Bookmark not
defined." where the tables and figures were. How did I get into this
mess? I only used Insert Text Box Insert Picture on the text
boxthen do the captions. Because I had saved already the document
thinking everything is ok there's no way for me to undelete them. Pls
Albert, are you saying that you save your document every time under the
same name? I dont want to be paternalistic, but for long docs this is
asking for trouble, and with each elaboration the "added value" (read:
time spent) is increased so a crash is more costly. I suggest to save
your document under a new revision number, say every half hour (so:
ThesisABC_r001.doc, then ~_r002.doc, etc). Then you can always go back
to the previous version.
Ok, you get 100+ versions in the end and it takes disk space, but you
can also find back that table you deleted and wanted it back after all.
And obviously, you can discard very old versions you will never use
To cheer you up a bit - after all it's Christmas ;-) -, if you want I
give you a free license to the eBook "Mastering Microsft Word for
Scientific Reports" which specifically addresses theses, and other locg
docs. Just drop me an e-mail with your name/e-mail address and refer to
this forum question (h.van.ekelenburg [at]