Error result for link formula




I got data as follows:
Date Material ($) Labour ($)
1/1/09 100 -
22/1/09 - 150
2/2/09 200 100

and I used formula
=SUMIF('Material (5-1020)'!$A$14:$A$718,">=1/1/ 2008",'Material
(5-1020)'!$H$14:$H$718)-SUMIF('Material (5-1020)'!$A$14:$A$718,">1/31/
2008",'Material (5-1020)'!$H$14:$H$718)

to get the result:
Jan 09 Feb 09 total
Material 100 100 250
Labour 200 100 300

The total amount is linked to other report

The problem is when I open the file together with the report file to get the
link automatically, sometimes I found the result become error like double
duplication result as follows

Jan 09 Feb 09 total
Material 100 100 200
Labour 200 200 400

However the formula does not change at all.

Could anyone help me for this problem?

Jacob Skaria

Try the below formula instead...

To get the total of materials for the month of January..with dates in ColA
and material amount in Column H..

=SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH('Material (5-1020)'!$A$14:$A$718)=1),'Material

To understanding the formula try with a different example in ColA and B....A
with dates and B with amounts....change the 1 to 2 for Februay...Or you can
even refer the month to a cell as '=MONTH(cell)'


If this post helps click Yes


Hi Jacob,

Thank you for the quick response :)

My next question is : can I use the same formula if the date contains of the
different year?

for example:

Date Material ($) Labour ($)
1/1/09 100 -
22/1/09 - 150
2/2/09 200 100
31/1/10 100
21/2/10 100


Jacob Skaria

Try this version...for Jan 2009. Change to suit your requirement...

(all in one line)
(5-1020)'!$A$14:$A$718,"MMYYYY")="012009"),'Material (5-1020)'!$H$14:$H$718)

OR .......



Hi Jacob,

Yes it works, thanks a lot :) By the way could you please help me with the
SUMProduct fomula if we use more than 1 criteria except date criteria. The
table is:

Date Item Amount
1/1/09 Material - Sheet 100
2/2/09 Material - packing 150
12/2/09 Material - Sheet 100
31/3/09 Material - Other 100

I want the result :
Jan 09 Feb 09 March 09
Material - Sheet 100 100
Material - Packing 150
Material - Other 100

Thanks for your attention.


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