Error Running Ms Office 2000 - Access



why.... everytime i run my ms Access i keep getting this type of error :
[ There isn't enough free memory to update the display. Close unneeded
programs and try again. ]
i've tried free up my memory. i'm using win xp platform. and already clean
my pc from virus, adware, spyware ... etc...

Wayne Morgan

This was a known bug in Access 2000 that was fixed in Office 2000's Service
Pack 1. The current SP for Office 2000 is 3. The bug occurred when you had a
jpg file as the background of a form and switched between design view and
form view.

Go to and click the Check for Updates link near
the top. You will probably need your Office 2000 CDs or network install
share available in order to install the updates. If you installed from a
network install share, the better option would be to download the Admin
versions of the patch files, do an administrative patch to the network
share, and repush the install.

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