Error sending attachment Entourage 2004



I am running Entourage 2004 sp1 in an Exchange 2003 enviroment and am
having this problem with multiple users:

When trying to send what appears to be any attachment over 5 mb, I get
an error that says:


Permissions to access this file was denied. This may be caused by the
file being open in a different application.


Mail could not be sent

Account name "Exchange"

Error -54

I've already check the obvious, that I am allowed to send larger
attachments (I have no problem sending the attachments through OWA or a
PC), that the file is not in use (I have tried many different files),
and I have the latest version of Entourage 2004.

If I tell Entourage to compress the file using stuffit, it appears to
go through fine, even though in most cases it doesn't shrink the file
size (I have sent files upwards of 20 mb with no problem if Entourage
uses its stuffit feature), however if I just try to send a stuffit file
without telling Entourage to stuffit again, once again I get the above
error. This happens with any type of file I send, PDF, ZIP, XIT, etc.
If anyone has any ideas on this, I would be very appreciative. I'm
trying to get everyone at my office off of outlook 2001 running in
classic mode.


Oh, and yes and I have rebuilt the database, repaired permissions, and
even totally deleted the database and started over from scratch, and
re-installed office on multiple workstations with no luck. One more
note, sometimes out of the blue the files do end up going through even
though it says they can't (which resulted in some people getting the
same email multiple times)

Diane Ross

I am running Entourage 2004 sp1 in an Exchange 2003 enviroment and am
having this problem with multiple users:

When trying to send what appears to be any attachment over 5 mb, I get
an error that says:

I'm not an exchange user so I can't offer specific advice. However, I do
suggest that you download "Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac: Working with
Exchange Server "


You can also find some other helpful links on the Exchange Page:



Thanks for the info, but I already searched those sites before coming
here. I think the problem lies somewhere in the OS or Entourage itself
since the error is -54 and looking at the errors listed on around that number all seem to have to do with filer
permssions or some underlaying OS / App problem, and it looks like most
Exchange related errors have very high numbers.

I did narrow it down to my G5s are having this problem, but not my G4s,
so perhaps something has gotten corrupt in my newer images. I am in
the process of rebuilding my G5 image app by app, security release by
security release so hopefully I will catch the problem somewhere along
the way and be able to report it back here for everyone else to know.

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