Error Setting PlainText value for RTF2 control



I have an unbound RTF2 control in an Access 2003 form which I set to
show either unformatted text or else text with words and sentences
highlighted. I do this by setting the PlainText property, getting back
the rtfText and then adding the highlighting strings and resetting
rtfText as below:

sqry = "Select * from TextContent where FileID = " & ID
Set rs = CurrentDb().OpenRecordset(sqry, dbOpenSnapshot)
With rtfUnformatted
..rtfText = ""
If Form_QMeta.chkLineBreak Then
sText = rs!TextContent
sText = cleanup_html(rs!TextContent)
End If
..PlainText = sText

If Not chkHighlight Then Exit Sub
sRTF = .rtfText

After making some other changes to the form I find I get the message
"Property is Read-Only" when trying to set the .PlainText value. I've
tried adding the control again, changing only the font size and back
colour, but cannot see what I might have done to prevent me from
setting this property.

Any help appreciated.

Simon Kravis

Stephen Lebans

The RTF control can only display RTF encoded text. If you want to simply
display plain text then wrap your plain text within the required RTF

Here's a previous post of mine on a related issue.}&rnum=13&hl=en#3446dace11b9fd7e

From: Stephen Lebans - view profile
Date: Tues, Feb 14 2006 9:30 pm
Email: "Stephen Lebans"
<[email protected]>
Groups: microsoft.public.access.forms
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Let me know how you make out.

Make sure your Form has:
A TextBox control named txtComment bound to the Comment field(just o you can
see the RTF encoding)
an RTF2 control bound to the Comment field
A CommandButton named cmdRTF

In your References, make sure the ref to DAO is higher in the list than ADO.

Place this code behind the Command Button.

Private Sub CmdRTF_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CmdRTF_Click

Dim sRTFdata As String
Dim sHeader As String
Dim sText As String

sHeader =
sHeader = sHeader & "{\colortbl

' I could have shortened the code but I wanted you(and others I refer to
this posting) to see what is happening at every step.

With Me.RecordsetClone
' Move to first record

' Loop until all records are processed
' This example uses a field named "Comment"
' Note this is the name of the FIELD not the
' name of the TextBox control bound to this field
Do While Not .EOF
sText = IIf(IsNull(.Fields("Comment")), "", .Fields("Comment"))
' See if field is empty
If Len(sText & vbNullString) = 0 Then
sRTFdata = sHeader & "}"
sRTFdata = sHeader & sText & "\par }"
End If

' Save our RTF encoded string back to Comment field
.Fields("Comment") = sRTFdata
' Move to next record

End With

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CmdRTF_Click

End Sub


Stephen Lebans
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