I am getting an error every time i Hit the New email button that says -The
call to getCustomUI() for Ribbon ID "Microsoft.outlook.Mail.compose failed.
This is in Office 2007 beta. I have had nothing but problems with office 2007
beta. It does not download pictures in the email despite me having the box
checked to download the pictures automatically. And before when I started to
type an email address it would give suggestions on previous ones I typed and
now it doesnt. I dont know if any of these things are related but I mention
them under this post incase they are. Thank you for any help.
I have run Diagnostic, I have done repair and neither has fixed the problem.
call to getCustomUI() for Ribbon ID "Microsoft.outlook.Mail.compose failed.
This is in Office 2007 beta. I have had nothing but problems with office 2007
beta. It does not download pictures in the email despite me having the box
checked to download the pictures automatically. And before when I started to
type an email address it would give suggestions on previous ones I typed and
now it doesnt. I dont know if any of these things are related but I mention
them under this post incase they are. Thank you for any help.
I have run Diagnostic, I have done repair and neither has fixed the problem.