Error trying to execute script


John Conner

I am a new Mac user and very glad to have made the "switch"!

I downloaded a script from entitled Find Office Version
Info. I placed it in the 'Entourage Script Menu Items' folder. When I try to
run it from the script drop down menu, I get this msg:
Finder got an error: An error of type - 10814 has occurred.
The scripts that were installed at Office installation all work properly.

What am I missing?

Diane Ross

I am a new Mac user and very glad to have made the "switch"!

Welcome to the Mac community!!
I downloaded a script from entitled Find Office Version
Info. I placed it in the 'Entourage Script Menu Items' folder. When I try to
run it from the script drop down menu, I get this msg:
Finder got an error: An error of type - 10814 has occurred.
The scripts that were installed at Office installation all work properly.

What am I missing?

There were two types of scripts you could download. (compiled and script
application). It's possible you have the script application. This one does
not go into the script menu.

A script application does not go in the Entourage Script Menu Items folder.
Place it on the desktop, in a Finder window, in your User Script menu
folder, or in the Dock for easy access.

Go to the actual script in the Finder and double click on it and see if it
works. If not, try downloading the script again. It's possible that it was
corrupted during download.

I have a script application that I use all the time that I keep in the
Finder Window. It closes all open Finder windows except the one you used to
activate the script. Usually, most scripts are compiled scripts.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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