Here is the SQL:
INSERT INTO tblZ_ANAG_DIV ( Material, MaterialDesc, MType, MRPGrp,
ABC, Unit, PGrp, MRPType, MRP, LS, ProcType, SPT, Bulk, Batch, SMKey,
AV, MX, IC, Stock, Plt, ProductSup, ProfitCtr, Grp, CtrKey, PDT, GRT,
IPT, Net, FixedLot, MaxLot, MinLot, SafetyStock, ReorderPnt, ESloc,
SLoc, Critical, UnitIssue, LastChg, CreateDate, ProductLine, Profile,
N, StdPrice, PlndPrice, MvAvgPrice )
SELECT [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].Material, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].MaterialDesc, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].MType, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].MRPGrp, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].ABC, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].Unit, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].PGrp, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].MRPType, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].MRP, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].LS, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].ProcType, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].SPT, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].Bulk, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].Batch, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].SMKey, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].AV, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].MX, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].IC,
[tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].Stock, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].Plt, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].ProductSup, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].ProfitCtr, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].Grp, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].CtrKey, NZ([PDT],0) AS Expr1,
NZ([GRT],0) AS Expr2, NZ([IPT],0) AS Expr3, NZ([Net],0) AS Expr4,
NZ([FixedLot],0) AS Expr5, NZ([MaxLot],0) AS Expr6, NZ([MinLot],0) AS
Expr7, NZ([SafetyStock],0) AS Expr8, NZ([ReorderPnt],0) AS Expr9,
[tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].ESloc, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].SLoc, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].Critical, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].UnitIssue,
CDate([LastChg]) AS Expr10, CDate([CreateDate]) AS Expr11, [tblImport-
Z_ANAG_DIV].ProductLine, [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV].Profile, nz([N],0) AS
Expr12, NZ([StdPrice],0) AS Expr13, NZ([PlndPrice],0) AS Expr14,
NZ([MvAvgPrice],0) AS Expr15
FROM [tblImport-Z_ANAG_DIV]
WHERE ((Not (NZ([PDT],0)) Is Null));
And the error:
"You cannot record your changes because a value you entered violates
the settings defined for this table or list(for example, a value is
less than the minimum or greater than the maximum). Correct the error
and try again."
However, if I move the Where from ((Not (NZ([PDT],0)) Is Null)) to
((Not (NZ([GRT],0)) Is Null)) and then back the append query works
fine. So this tells me that the error message is generic and
unhelpful. I can see by going in to design view and then worksheet
view that the Net field has #Num! errors, that should not be as the
field does contain a number.