Error when adding delegate


Jeff R

We are running Exchange 2003 SP1 and Outlook 2003 SP2. A user granted Editor
permissions to his Calendar, Tasks, Notes, and Contacts to another user but
when he hits OK the following error apprears. "The Delegates settings were
not saved correctly. Unable to activate send-on-behalf of list. You do not
have sufficient permission to perform this operation on this object."

This is only happening on 1 mailbox. I set up a profile for this user on my
machine and tried to add the delegate but received the same error as the user
so it doesn't appear to be a profile problem. Please let me know if you
have any thoughts as to what may be causing this and how to resolve. Thanks.


Sherry Phillips


I am having the same problem. Do you know if there is a setting on the
Exchange Server that needs to be activated in order for this to work?


Hi Sherry

this is what I got from Microsoft Premier support today:

After installing the patch,
users are no longer able to add or remove delegates in Outlook 2003.
Client receives following error when adding or removing a delegate from

calendar in Outlook 2003: "The Delegates settings were not saved
correctly. Unable to activate send-on-behalf-of list. You do not have
sufficient permission to perform this operation on this object."
Currently there is no Microsoft article that describes this problem

On Windows XP the patch can be un-installed but on Windows 2000
Professional it cannot be un-installed.

Prior to the above patch being installed, whenever the client added or
removed a delegate in Outlook 2003, the delegate permission was not
fully set for the SELF. This could lead to multiple delegation
problems and the client would not see an error message, thus making it
harder to troubleshoot and resolve. After the patch is installed, it
fixes delegation in that it will now throw the proper error message(as
per above) when the permission is not fully set properly. THIS PATCH

If after installing the above patch, the client receives the above
error message, then do the following:

In Active Directory Users and Computers
-Click on VIEW
-Click on ADVANCE FEATURES (this is important otherwise you won't see
the complete list in the next steps)
-Click on the USERS container
-Find the problem user's account
-Right mouse the account and click on PROPERTIES
-Click on the SECURITY tab
-In the top box, click on the SELF account
-In the bottom portion of the screen make sure the READ PERSONAL

NOTE: there maybe some other options that need to be checked for ALLOW
for the SELF, but for the above error message should be fixed by check
ALLOW those to options

Hope this helps you

Mary Anne


Hi Sherry
further to this email, Microsoft also provided me the list of the other
options that should also be checked to ALLOW for the SELF account.

Send As
Read As
Read Account Restrictions
Read Group Membership
Read Logon Information
Read Personal Information
Write Personal Information
Read Phone and Mail Options
Write Phone and Mail Options
Read Public Information
Read Remote Access Information
Write Web Information

Mary Anne

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