error when attaching apple "pages" doc




whenever i try to attach a "pages" doc to an entourage email i get a
message that i need to install suffit

i have stuffit exapnder installed, am running osx and office 2004

i loked at stuffit's site and they want $ for the compression program

any ideas? i have "no compression" selected in my preferences


Daiya Mitchell

The Pages file format is actually a package or a bundle or something--so
it's really multiple files pretending to be a single file. So Entourage
sees it as multiple files.

Just right-click and Create Archive on the Pages files first, then attach
the resulting zip.

Daiya Mitchell

Sorry. Apple seems to be making so much use of the
right-click/control-click thing even in their own apps that I forgot to
specify the trick.

Glad that worked.

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