Error when opening Generic Presentation



I am from a school district and in one lab, we are getting
the following message.

"Powerpoint couldn't find the Generic presentation. Would
you like to remove it from the Autocontent wizard?"

Here is the issue. It is there from some users and not
for others. The same user can go to another computer and
find it just fine. I am stumped becasue these users are
exactly the same as far as groups and permissions, froup
policies.... At first I thought that might be the issue.

WE are using a Win 2k worstation to run the powerpoint and
the users are logged in to t a Win 2k Server.

If anyone can shed some light on this I would appriciate



Thanks for telling us the version of Windows, but what version of PowerPoint
are you using? Is everyone using the same version? Are they running
PowerPoint from a server, or is it installed on individual hard drives?

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