Error when recving msg with attachments, 0x800ccc0f


Frolin Marek

About three weeks ago, starting having problems with Outlook 2000. When I go Send/Receive, get the message saying "Rec Msg 1 of ##" then error. Parts of the error box say "The TCP/IP connection was unexpectedly terminated by the server." and then give the error code: 0x800ccc0

This only happens when (any) one or more of the pending emails on the ISP side have attachments. Can be a Jpg, Bmp, PDF, ZIP or such, no matter. If message 3 of 5 has an attachment, I can't receive any of the 5.

If I connect via webmail, can open msg #3 with the attachment, can even open or save the attachment. If I delete msg 3 via webmail, then Outlook will receive the others fine after

If I have several pending, one or more with attachments, and I use my AT&T dial-up via modem, I can download all fine, when minutes before I could not receive the group via my Cable modem

I uninstalled Outlook and reinstalled, same error. I deinstalled Office 2000 and did a new install, same. I uninstalled, even deleted the Outlook 9.0 registry area completely, did new install, same error

I setup Outlook on my laptop, setup my account, then set a test email to myself from Yahoo ID. The desktop again had the error, but was able to receive on the laptop fine

So, its clearly an issue in Outlook when connecting via the Cable Modem, or with a Registery entry or DLL, used by Outlook when connecting via the cable modem... works fine with the dial-up modem

San Antonio, Texa

Frolin Marek


- I use McAfee and have disabled it, no help. Have same loaded on the laptop which does work

- Don't have a firewall, even by-passed the Router and went direct cable modem to PC, no luck. Same home network the laptop is on that I tested a clean install on, that does work

- Have tried the various bulletins on the Microsoft Support pages, and they do not resolve the issue

- Again, works fine when I "dial up" my ISP, but fails when going though Cable Modem. So not an issue on the ISP side

- Also have second User ID and account in Outlook (using Windows 2000, Outlook 2000, and testing with wife's login and email ID), and get the same error when pending emails have attachments

Francine Otterson

Have you tried increasing the server time out.

Francine Otterson
President, San Diego Outlook User Group

Frolin Marek said:

- I use McAfee and have disabled it, no help. Have same loaded on the laptop which does work.

- Don't have a firewall, even by-passed the Router and went direct cable
modem to PC, no luck. Same home network the laptop is on that I tested a
clean install on, that does work.
- Have tried the various bulletins on the Microsoft Support pages, and they do not resolve the issue.

- Again, works fine when I "dial up" my ISP, but fails when going though
Cable Modem. So not an issue on the ISP side.
- Also have second User ID and account in Outlook (using Windows 2000,
Outlook 2000, and testing with wife's login and email ID), and get the same
error when pending emails have attachments.

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