Error when running Solver ("No return or halt function found...")




When running the following Solver code, the error directly below comes up
when I click on another application while Solver is running (ie - If I go to
Internet Explorer while this code is running, after a few seconds, the error
below comes up):

"No return or halt function found on macro sheet"

I then click on "OK", with is the only button within the error popup menu,
and the code continues, seemingly without any damage being done.

I did some research on this error, but only found an article saying that
this error comes up in Excel2000 -- I, however, am using Excel2003. The
article instructs that in order "To resolve this problem, obtain the latest
service pack for Microsoft Office 2000". Since I'm using Excel2003, I'm
assuming that the specific issue causing this error that this article refers
to was resolved in Excel2003 and therefore an Excel2003 servicepack wouldn't
address the issue I'm encountering -- is this a bad assumption?

Any help is appreciated!


Héctor Miguel

hi, Robert !

I have some code using solver as the main tool to operate with, and...
- when excel is the main window application, code finish in (say) 3 seconds
- when excel is running in the background, code takes times 140 of its "normal" time (but NO error at all)

you might want to revise your code for some of the solver options (maxtime, iterations, userfinish, etc.)


__ OP __


I forgot the actual code in my original post -- I added it below (I don't
expect the actual code will help to determine what the issue is as I believe
the issue has to do with simply selecting another app while the Solver code
is running)


When running the following Solver code, the error directly below comes up
when I click on another application while Solver is running (ie - If I go to
Internet Explorer while this code is running, after a few seconds, the error
below comes up):

"No return or halt function found on macro sheet"

I then click on "OK", with is the only button within the error popup menu,
and the code continues, seemingly without any damage being done.

Actual Solver code:
'Set ranges to be used in Solver
Sheets("Transaction Summary").Activate
'Set commission range
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="payfclearcomm", _
RefersToR1C1:=.Range(.Range("L1").End(xlDown), .Range("L65536").End(xlUp))
'Set binary range
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="payfclearbin", _
RefersToR1C1:=.Range(.Range("AA1").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1),
..Range("AA65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1))
'Set month weight range
..Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 28).Value = 1
If .Range("O1").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 12).Value <> 1 Then
With .Range(.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 28),
..Range("O1").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 12))
.Formula = _
.Formula = .Value
End With
End If
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="payfclearmonth", _
RefersToR1C1:=.Range(.Range("AA1").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 2),
..Range("AA65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 2))
'Set sumif for Forward Balance total
.Range("AD1").Formula = _

'Set format of cell AD1
.Range("AD1").NumberFormat = "0.00000"
'Set commission sumproduct
.Range("AE1").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(payfclearcomm,payfclearbin)"
'Set month weight sumproduct
.Range("AF1").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(payfclearbin,payfclearmonth)"
'Solver execution
Sheets("Transaction Summary").Activate
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
SolverOk SetCell:="$AF$1", MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:="0",
SolverAdd CellRef:="payfclearbin", Relation:=5, FormulaText:="binary"
SolverAdd CellRef:="$AE$1", Relation:=2, FormulaText:="$AD$1"
SolverOptions MaxTime:=100, Iterations:=100, Precision:=0.000001,
AssumeLinear _
:=False, StepThru:=False, Estimates:=1, Derivatives:=1,
SearchOption:=1, _
IntTolerance:=5, Scaling:=False, Convergence:=0.0001, AssumeNonNeg:=False
SolverSolve userfinish:=True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

I did some research on this error, but only found an article saying that
this error comes up in Excel2000 -- I, however, am using Excel2003. The
article instructs that in order "To resolve this problem, obtain the latest
service pack for Microsoft Office 2000". Since I'm using Excel2003, I'm
assuming that the specific issue causing this error that this article refers
to was resolved in Excel2003 and therefore an Excel2003 servicepack wouldn't
address the issue I'm encountering -- is this a bad assumption?

Any help is appreciated!



Hi Dana,

I removed the "R1C1", but that didn't fix the error. What's wierd is that I
just realized that as soon as I click on the button (which calls code that
eventually calls the Solver code), if I then click on another application,
Excel freezes up.

I have no idea why this is happening. The code is lengthy, but it starts as
follows - please let me know if you have any idea why this is happening.

Private Sub transclearbyaff_Click()

Dim cjmod As Integer
Dim linkperfmod As Integer
Dim strproceed As String

Application.ScreenUpdating = False



Dana DeLouis said:
RefersToR1C1:=.Range ...etc
.Formula = "=IF(MONTH(RC[-16])<>...etc

Beginning with Excel 97, Solver needs the sheet to be in A1 Notation.
As my initial guess, make sure you are not using R1C1 notation.
You seem to have mixed them up, so this raises a little caution flag.
HTH :>)
Dana DeLouis

robs3131 said:
I forgot the actual code in my original post -- I added it below (I don't
expect the actual code will help to determine what the issue is as I believe
the issue has to do with simply selecting another app while the Solver code
is running)


When running the following Solver code, the error directly below comes up
when I click on another application while Solver is running (ie - If I go to
Internet Explorer while this code is running, after a few seconds, the error
below comes up):

"No return or halt function found on macro sheet"

I then click on "OK", with is the only button within the error popup menu,
and the code continues, seemingly without any damage being done.

Actual Solver code:
'Set ranges to be used in Solver
Sheets("Transaction Summary").Activate
'Set commission range
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="payfclearcomm", _
RefersToR1C1:=.Range(.Range("L1").End(xlDown), .Range("L65536").End(xlUp))
'Set binary range
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="payfclearbin", _
RefersToR1C1:=.Range(.Range("AA1").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1),
.Range("AA65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 1))
'Set month weight range
.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 28).Value = 1
If .Range("O1").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 12).Value <> 1 Then
With .Range(.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 28),
.Range("O1").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 12))
.Formula = _
.Formula = .Value
End With
End If
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="payfclearmonth", _
RefersToR1C1:=.Range(.Range("AA1").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 2),
.Range("AA65536").End(xlUp).Offset(0, 2))
'Set sumif for Forward Balance total
.Range("AD1").Formula = _

'Set format of cell AD1
.Range("AD1").NumberFormat = "0.00000"
'Set commission sumproduct
.Range("AE1").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(payfclearcomm,payfclearbin)"
'Set month weight sumproduct
.Range("AF1").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(payfclearbin,payfclearmonth)"
'Solver execution
Sheets("Transaction Summary").Activate
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
SolverOk SetCell:="$AF$1", MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:="0",
SolverAdd CellRef:="payfclearbin", Relation:=5, FormulaText:="binary"
SolverAdd CellRef:="$AE$1", Relation:=2, FormulaText:="$AD$1"
SolverOptions MaxTime:=100, Iterations:=100, Precision:=0.000001,
AssumeLinear _
:=False, StepThru:=False, Estimates:=1, Derivatives:=1,
SearchOption:=1, _
IntTolerance:=5, Scaling:=False, Convergence:=0.0001, AssumeNonNeg:=False
SolverSolve userfinish:=True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

I did some research on this error, but only found an article saying that
this error comes up in Excel2000 -- I, however, am using Excel2003. The
article instructs that in order "To resolve this problem, obtain the latest
service pack for Microsoft Office 2000". Since I'm using Excel2003, I'm
assuming that the specific issue causing this error that this article refers
to was resolved in Excel2003 and therefore an Excel2003 servicepack wouldn't
address the issue I'm encountering -- is this a bad assumption?

Any help is appreciated!



robs3131 said:

When running the following Solver code, the error directly below comes up
when I click on another application while Solver is running (ie - If I go to
Internet Explorer while this code is running, after a few seconds, the error
below comes up):

"No return or halt function found on macro sheet"

I then click on "OK", with is the only button within the error popup menu,
and the code continues, seemingly without any damage being done.

I did some research on this error, but only found an article saying that
this error comes up in Excel2000 -- I, however, am using Excel2003. The
article instructs that in order "To resolve this problem, obtain the latest
service pack for Microsoft Office 2000". Since I'm using Excel2003, I'm
assuming that the specific issue causing this error that this article refers
to was resolved in Excel2003 and therefore an Excel2003 servicepack wouldn't
address the issue I'm encountering -- is this a bad assumption?

Any help is appreciated!


Dana DeLouis

ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="payfclearbin", _
Hi. I'm having a problem with my news reader, so hopefully this isn't
posted twice.
These are probably not the issue, but I'll throw it out anyway.
When you write code with .End(xlDown), there is no error check.
Solver is limited to 200 changing cells.
So, as it stands, one can not verify how many cells are set.

Most likely not a problem here, but certain operations with solver will
cause an error if the workbook, or worksheet name has a space in it.
Try renaming your workbook/worksheet by removing any space characters.

You are trying to set two complex functions equal to each other.
In general, it is sometimes best to have a constant on the right hand side.
Instead of f(x) = f(y)
it can sometimes be better to re-write it as
f(x) - f(y) = 0.

As a note, you can drop the "ValueOf" since it is ignored in a Min problem.

Try removing "Application.DisplayAlerts" for now while testing.

Again, just some ideas.
Good luck.


Hi Rob, et al,

Has this problem been debugged (as I have exactly the same one with Excel
If I may, I also paste my code...

Function Run_solver(target)
Application.Calculation = xlManual
If Not SOLVER.AutoOpened Then SOLVER.Auto_open
SolverOptions MaxTime:=120, Iterations:=32767, Precision:=0.0000001, _
AssumeLinear:=False, StepThru:=True, Estimates:=1, Derivatives:=1, _
SearchOption:=1, IntTolerance:=1, Scaling:=False,
Convergence:=0.0001, _
SolverOk SetCell:="$G$5", MaxMinVal:=2, ValueOf:="0",
ByChange:=Range("D2").Resize(Range("A1"), 1) ' A1 is less or equal to 100
SolverAdd CellRef:="$G$3", Relation:=2, FormulaText:=target
SolverAdd CellRef:="$E$2", Relation:=2, FormulaText:="1"
SolverAdd CellRef:="$G$5", Relation:=3, FormulaText:="0"
Range("G2") = SolverSolve(True, showref:="SolverStepThru")
Select Case Range("G2")
Case 0, 1, 2
' Solver found a solution
SolverFinish 1
Case Else
' Keep results and move on, use 2 to keep original values
SolverFinish 2
End Select
End Function

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