#error when sum on confinuous form footer



Dear Experts
I used continuous form and I have Value1 and Value2 and I used Unbound
textbox1 to do Value1+Value2 after that I used another one Unbound textbox2
on form footer
to make grand total
I use sum like that =sum( textbox1) but it doesn't work it
error like that #Error
can you help me?


There is a work-around - SUM does not work in the footer for some reason.

What to do:
Make a text box for each of your values and make them invisible on the form.
Let's call them "txtInvisSumofValue1" and "...2"
Add SUM OF (or COUNT, depending on what you want to do) value1 and value2 to
the query feeding your form.
In your CONTROL SOURCE of your 2 new text boxes, put...
=Sum([sumofValue1]) in Value1, and =Sum([sumofValue2]) in Value2...
Now here's the magic part...
Make text box(es) in your footer and in their CONTROL SOURCEs, put...
=[txtInvisSumofValue1] and =[txtInvisSumofValue2] in value2 - making the
control source the new text boxes you made up in the header.

Good luck!

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