#Error when summing in Form



I add a NEW control to the Footer of a Subform with a Control Source
as follows: =([AmtBilled]). This will give me a value from a record
of the Detail section of the same Subform.

If I change the Control Source to =Sum([AmtBilled]), I get #Error.

All of my controls that contain the Sum function are NOW giving me
this #Error. I made this to happen with some change I have made, but
I can't figure out what I have done to cause this.

Can someone point me in the direction to solving this problem?



You need to sum by control name not by column name.
-- Dorian
"Give someone a fish and they eat for a day; teach someone to fish and they
eat for a lifetime".

Linq Adams via AccessMonster.com

Is [AmtBilled] a calculated field? You cannot run an aggregate function like
SUM against a calculated field. You have to use the expression used for the

For instance, if

[AmtBilled] = [Units] * [UnitCost]

instead of


you'd use

Sum([Units] * [UnitCost])

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