Error when trying to build OLAP Cubes



"Failed to build the OLAP cubes." Error: Analysis Services session failed
with the following error: Failed to connect to the Analysis Services server .
"Error: ActiveX component can't create object"

SQL Server 2005 and Project Server 2007 is on separe servers.
I Installed the DSO software on the Project Server.


Our client have project server 2007 and SQL server 2005 with analysis
services on different servers.We installed all cient components(native
client,backward compatability ans managemnet objects collection) on both
servers and configured DSO on analysis services by using both Analysis
Services 2000 repository file(msmdrep.mdb) and creating a database for
Analysis services 2005 repository file.
But still we are getting the same problem "Activex component can't be

Please do let me know how to fix this issue,

Thanks and Regards,
Prasanth Kumar.Ch.

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