Error when zipping Access database



I am zipping an Access database which spans 3 disks.
When I go to unzip it (using Winzip) the second disk
generates an error something to the effect:

Uninflateable object.

What do I need to correct/get rid of before zipping?


There nothing special about zipping an Access database. I
would suggest get a new disk. Floppy disk are less
eliable these days. Also, make sure the floppy disk drive
light is off before you switch disks. Hope this helps.

Van T. Dinh

I would suggest using the Access Menu to Compact and
Repair database before actually zipping it. However, this
is simply to reduce the size of the database before
zipping down further.

OTOH, I gave up using floppy disks probably 3 years ago.
They are just too unreliable, especially for zipped disk-
spanning archive. There are lots of more reliable means
to use such as thumb drive / removable hard-disk / (re-
writable) CD...

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)

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