Error writing OLE data


barry milliken

I inserted some JPG pictures.
Now I can't save my file.

I get :

"An error (1441) occurred during the action Save.
There was an error reading or writing OLE data."

Now what??

I'm using Visio 2003 SP2.



Hi Barry,

Can't reproduce the issue but clearly some or all pictures are containing an
Some suggestions:

try to save the .jpg picture one by one to determine if one of the pictures
is the culprit
try inserting in another format format such as .bmp, .png, .gif etc
try other office applications, if you don't experience a problem then
copy&paste the picture from that application into visio
or insert an object of that application into visio and place the pictures in
there and then save the drawing
or you group the .jpg pictures and then save the file


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