Keep in mind that when you do this additional row/columns are *not* added to
the sheet - existing rows/columns are simply sliced off the remote edges of
the sheet & reinserted where you're calling for them to be. Everything to
the right or down shifts to make room. The number of columns/rows/cells in a
sheet is *fixed* & never changes.
The message is letting you know that the operation can't be performed
because there is some type of content near the edge of the sheet - or at
least Excel has reason to believe there is

The content could be in cells
or it could be some sort of graphic object or certain types of formatting
(such as Borders or Shading). The most likely causes are that the periphery
of the sheet has in fact been used for some purpose or that previous
insertions have forced content/effects further toward the edge than the user
realizes. Copying/pasting content from other sources (especially the web)
can also force the issue due to inadvertent inclusion of stuff you didn't
even know was there when you copied.
Another possible cause is that you're attempting to insert more rows/columns
that are available for insertion. IOW, if there are only 10 empty columns in
the sheet & you're trying to insert 11 or more you'll get the message.
Assuming you're certain that any content beyond your primary data range is
unwanted the first thing to try is to select all columns to the right of or
rows below your data. Then use Edit> Clear> All or Edit> Delete [not the
delete key] to see if that frees the peripheral area of content &
formatting. Make sure to verify that you aren't deleting anything important.
If that doesn't work you'll need to inspect visually for graphic elements
near the edge of the sheet & either remove or reposition any you find.
A 3rd approach is to select & cut/copy the active data range on the sheet
then paste to a new blank sheet & delete the old one.
HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac