errors after moving mdb



After moving an existing database created in Access97 to a
new computer, I recieve errors when I try to print certain
reports. I have copied the entire folder on to the new
computer and it opens and saves data fine but when I print
a letter and it launches Word then i recieve an error
saying it cannot find the data base when it tries to merge
the fields into the letter. Is it a Word problem or an
Access problem and how does one fix it.

Arvin Meyer

That would go more to a Word newsgroup, but let me give it a shot first. I'd
just select all the text in the Word.doc and copy/paste into a new document
and set up a new merge using the wizard in Word. I think you'll have less
problems doing it that way. I know it will work that way, but someone in a
Word newsgroup may be able to give you an easier way.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:


Thank you Arvin, I will give a shot.
-----Original Message-----
That would go more to a Word newsgroup, but let me give it a shot first. I'd
just select all the text in the Word.doc and copy/paste into a new document
and set up a new merge using the wizard in Word. I think you'll have less
problems doing it that way. I know it will work that way, but someone in a
Word newsgroup may be able to give you an easier way.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
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