Errors in spelling in Auto-Correct



Just wondering, but why does "percent" show as an error in spelling?

I'm using Microsoft Word 2010 Beta, by the way =)

I'll try and post more vocabulary errors I find =)

Terry Farrell

It's is a mistake. I'll bug that with MS and thanks for noticing it. It
certainly was OK in previous versions, so I guess that someone has made a
mistake. Microsoft buys in their proofing tools from third parties, so this
may not get fixed before release.

Terry Farrell

I didn't know that. Seems this is only English (UK) as Kirsten couldn't
reproduce it in English (US) versions.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Perhaps English (UK) still prefers "per cent"?

As for the proofing tools, that is at least the impression I got from the
presentation by the Natural Language Group folks at the last Summit.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Terry Farrell

That reply prompted me to look further into this as per cent is the top
suggestion of the spell checker. In the shorter Oxford dictionary, it does
list per cent as a recognised spelling. But in the longer Oxford dictionary,
it states that percent died out in the 1700s to be replace by percent.

But then I found this:

I cannot recall ever seeing or using per cent. Perhaps it is an American
misperception of what they think we use?


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Quite possibly a misperception, or you may just not remember. I do recall
that the first major paper I ever typed for a client (35 years ago) was a
doctoral dissertation for a a client who has stayed with me all the years
since and is now my #1 client. He consistently spelled out "per cent," and
the change to the more "modern" "percent" was one of my first editing

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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