Whenever I click on the icon for an exisiting Word document in one of my
folders, Word loads, and displays a series of errors messages in popup
dialbg boxes:
The first says that "Word cannot open document" and suggests trying to open
the doc through the file menu, and making sure the document has a '.doc'
extension. The last line is "(C:\DOCUMENTS.DOC)".
The second and third dialog boxes both say "The document name or path is not
valid" and suggest I try checking the path to make sure it was typed
correctly, or searching for the file through the file menu "using this
dialog box", after which no dialog box is listed. The 2nd box has a last
line of "(Settings\Administrator\Desktop\My)", while the 3rd has the last
line: ("Documents\Adopt"), where "Adopt" is the first word in the file name
I was attempting to open most recently.
After clicking OK to each of this series of messages, the file opens
normally in Word.
The File Types tab under Folder Options in the Control Panel lists the
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) message for the action of opening a Word
document as : [REM _DDE_Direct][FileOpen("%1")]
That looks right to me. What's causing the error I see, and how do I
correct it?
folders, Word loads, and displays a series of errors messages in popup
dialbg boxes:
The first says that "Word cannot open document" and suggests trying to open
the doc through the file menu, and making sure the document has a '.doc'
extension. The last line is "(C:\DOCUMENTS.DOC)".
The second and third dialog boxes both say "The document name or path is not
valid" and suggest I try checking the path to make sure it was typed
correctly, or searching for the file through the file menu "using this
dialog box", after which no dialog box is listed. The 2nd box has a last
line of "(Settings\Administrator\Desktop\My)", while the 3rd has the last
line: ("Documents\Adopt"), where "Adopt" is the first word in the file name
I was attempting to open most recently.
After clicking OK to each of this series of messages, the file opens
normally in Word.
The File Types tab under Folder Options in the Control Panel lists the
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) message for the action of opening a Word
document as : [REM _DDE_Direct][FileOpen("%1")]
That looks right to me. What's causing the error I see, and how do I
correct it?