Errors opening and closing MS-Office 2007...



More often than not, when I double-click on a file to open it, Excel launches
and opens the file, but I get an alert about the risks of re-opening the
file. I click No to edit the file.

Also, Occasionally, when I close Excel, I get the dreaded "A problem was
encountered..." dialog.

Please advise...


Me too!! This is my problem...

Using Vista + Office 2003, nearly every time I close a file in Excel it
stops working. I keep getting the rather useful messages telling me it's
stopped working and then that it's restarting, where it then throws up copies
of all the recent Excel documents I've been working on, which I then have to
sift through or "delete" rather nervously hoping I haven't lost anything
important! It's driving me mad!!

Example when it happens is... open an Excel document, print it, then close
it again using the "x" in the top right corner. Repeat this again but close
it using "File", "Exit" and Excel stopped working again.

I have tried using the Detect and Repair option under the Help menu, but
this hasn't solved the problem.

Anyone got any ideas?



Sorry, will start a new thread for my question, as it could need a completely
different solution! Was just relieved to see that I'm not the only one with
this sort of problem!

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