Errors when publishing to Yahoo hosting



hi all, I am switching to yahoo hosting and am having one heck of a time
getting my site visible and everything working. I'm using FP 2003. My site is
basically a series of pages about what I'm up to and I've used folders
extensively to organize the site by year and by month.
I activated FP on yahoo and that seemed to go ok. I published the site and
got some sort of an error about it not being a valid website? sorry, didn't
write it down. I checked the file manager and my files all appeared to be
there, but the site wasn't coming up. I went back to yahoo and sort of
realized that I needed to "activate" all of the folders within my site
individually (ggrrrr) if I wanted to publish to them with FP. That seemed to
get most of the site visible, but there were still some broken links and I
realized not all of the pictures made in the upload.
I tried to republish and am now getting an error that the first folder does
not refer to a page or folder in this web. It may be a page or folder in a
subweb, etc.
HELP! I cannot believe this is this difficult! Thank you all in advance.

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