Errors with DAvg


David McKnight

I'm getting errors when I use the following query statement:

Moving Avg: (DAvg("[Avg Of Valueof]","Table1","Nameof ='" & [Nameof] & "'
AND Season BETWEEN " & [Yearof]-7 & " AND " & [Yearof]-1))

I believe the reason for the errors is because there are some missing
"Years" to do the averaging between year -7 and year -1. Any good way to
handle this? This query statement queries another query so it would be very
difficult to add blanks to the underlining table for the missing years.

Moving Avg: (DAvg("[Avg Of Valueof]","Table1","Nameof ='" & [Nameof] & "'
AND Season BETWEEN " & [Yearof]-7 & " AND " & [Yearof]-1))

[MVP] S.Clark

If there is no value returned, then it is set to Null. Wrap Nz() around it.

i.e. Nz(expr, 0) or Nz(expr, "")

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