Essbase Causing Selection Change Event to Fire


Jim Thomlinson

This is a bit of a long shot but here goes. Our organization uses Essbase.
When a user zoomes in on a member, the selection change event is fired
repeatedly. This interferes with an addin that I have that catches the
selection change event. My question is can I catch either:

1. When a button on a menu bar is selected (Zoom In on the Essbase Toolbar).
2. When Essbase executes a Zoomin (Catch the event? Possibly create a custom
event? This would be my preference over option 1.)

Much appreciated in advance. I know it is a long shot but any pointers would
be appreciated.

Jim Thomlinson


Hi Jim,

not being an essbase user...

Check the object browser for (exposed) Essbase events.
if available.. set a boolean to escape your sel.chg handler.

the only event you can monitor re office.commandbars is the
commandbars.OnUpdate event.
See VBA help. => resource consuming, not recommended.

What you could possible do...
is remove the original essbase commandbar.control
replace it with your own macro..
which sets a global boolean...
used to exit the selection.change event handler.

...just a thought..

| | keepITcool chello nl | amsterdam

Jim Thomlinson wrote :

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