Sandie K
Is there a way to make question marks disappear automatically when you enter
WORK (not duration) for an estimated task? I do not want to eliminate the
function because I want to know if there are outstanding estimated tasks, but
I don't want to have to retype the duration after I've entered work and
clicked "OK".
I guess the bottom line is: is the "estimated duration" function driven only
by duration, not by work? (This would indicate a prejudice against those of
us who frequently ask the tool to arrive at duration based on WORK estimates
rather than duration estimates.) What good is the Fixed Work option if you
are still forced to manually type in duration?
WORK (not duration) for an estimated task? I do not want to eliminate the
function because I want to know if there are outstanding estimated tasks, but
I don't want to have to retype the duration after I've entered work and
clicked "OK".
I guess the bottom line is: is the "estimated duration" function driven only
by duration, not by work? (This would indicate a prejudice against those of
us who frequently ask the tool to arrive at duration based on WORK estimates
rather than duration estimates.) What good is the Fixed Work option if you
are still forced to manually type in duration?