Eudora to Entourage



I have exported my Eudora Emails into Entourage, but all attachments
on the original Eudora have dissappeared, any ideas how to have
attachments showing in Entourage ?

Barry N. Wainwright

I have exported my Eudora Emails into Entourage, but all attachments
on the original Eudora have dissappeared, any ideas how to have
attachments showing in Entourage ?

I'm sorry, but they won't.

Eudora does not store the complete message source including the attachments,
but splits off the attachments and drops them in it's own 'attachments
folder'. Unfortunately there is no way for the Entourage import routine to
find these attachments, re-encode them and reconstruct the original message

The attachments will still be available, in a finder window look in the
folder you had defined as the attachments folder in Entourage. You should
find all the files in there.

Barry Wainwright
Microsoft MVP (see for details)
Seen the Entourage FAQ pages? - Check them out:

Please post responses to this newsgroup. If I ask you to contact me
off-list, remove '.INVALID' from email address before replying.

Paul Berkowitz

I'm sorry, but they won't.

Eudora does not store the complete message source including the attachments,
but splits off the attachments and drops them in it's own 'attachments
folder'. Unfortunately there is no way for the Entourage import routine to
find these attachments, re-encode them and reconstruct the original message

The attachments will still be available, in a finder window look in the
folder you had defined as the attachments folder in Entourage. You should
find all the files in there.

(Barry meant "in the folder you had defined as the attachments folder in
_Eudora_" of course.)

Paul Berkowitz
MVP Entourage
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Entourage you are using - 2001 or X.
It's often impossible to answer your questions otherwise.

Barry N. Wainwright

(Barry meant "in the folder you had defined as the attachments folder in
_Eudora_" of course.)

Oops - sorry. Paul is 100% correct, of course.

Barry Wainwright
Microsoft MVP (see for details)
Seen the Entourage FAQ pages? - Check them out:

Please post responses to this newsgroup. If I ask you to contact me
off-list, remove '.INVALID' from email address before replying.

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