EV and breaking tasks down



I have been experimenting with EV in a test project and come across an
issue and would like some advice.

I work for a company that produces hardware and based on past experiences we
allow a certain amount of time for several rounds of de-bugging and
re-testing. I normally have one task for each of the de-bugging phases when I
produce the initial schedule. When we get to the actual de-bugging phase and
the exact problems are known, I then break the task down into more details.
The problem is when I do this, there are no equivalent tasks in the
base-line. Is there any way for Project to handle this or do I have to create
a new base-line when ever I need to break tasks down in this way?



It is not possible to add up new sub tasks to old baseline. But, the task
that you have further sub divided does appearin the latest schedule and also
in the baseline schedule. So, when you monitor its new sub divided tasks or
the subtasks, their progress does get reflected up in the summary task as its
overall progress. So, evetually you can have your EV calculations in which
the progress of the new sub tasks gets reflected.

I hope this helps.


Gérard Ducouret


Have you tried to set a new baseline for the added tasks with the option:
"Selected tasks" and "Roll up baselines... To all summary tasks.
Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret


RichardG said:
I have been experimenting with EV in a test project and come across an
issue and would like some advice.

I work for a company that produces hardware and based on past experiences we
allow a certain amount of time for several rounds of de-bugging and
re-testing. I normally have one task for each of the de-bugging phases when I
produce the initial schedule. When we get to the actual de-bugging phase and
the exact problems are known, I then break the task down into more details.
The problem is when I do this, there are no equivalent tasks in the
base-line. Is there any way for Project to handle this or do I have to create
a new base-line when ever I need to break tasks down in this way?

Partly the answer depends on what it is you want to measure. Do you
want to measure progress against the 'single-line' debugging phases or
against the more detailed plan?


Thank you everyone for the feedback.

Dave to start with I would want to measure the progress against the
single-line debugging phase.


How about making the single-line debugging activity a summary task when
you come to add more detail. Instead of breaking that down, add the
detailed tasks underneath it and more links to those tasks accordingly.

Then, although you don't have a baseline for the new tasks, you have the
original one for the task that is now a summary so you can track against

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