Evaluate a column and extract last value



I know there's an easy way to do this, but I've had a brain freeze for too
long. I have several worksheets that keep a running balance of various
accounts. I want to take the outstanding balance on each worksheet to get a
total of all sheets. I've found a method that works, but it's convoluted and
looking to stop these headaches!
Col F
Running balance that is empty unless there's an entry in Cols D or E

Col G
Simple "=F" but gives text "blank" if no entries.

Col H
=IF(AND(G9="blank"),IF(G8<>$G$1,G8,0)) with this formula at H9, where G1=0,
I get an "ERROR" in rows that have data, the text "blank" in unused rows and
a figure in the last used row.

I then sum Col H to the same cell in all worksheets and get my grand total
from these. PHEW.....OK, so what's the ez solution?? This works, but I HATE
not seeing the obvious ez solution. Thanks for your thoughts!

Barb Reinhardt

I'd probably put the running balance in Column F and then conditional format
it to not display if there was nothing in columns D or E. Use something
like this for your conditional format formula.


I'd probably conditional format column G the same way.

I've gotta go and can't figure out the rest right now. Good luck!

Bob Phillips

Why not just use





Bob Phillips

(replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)

VBA Noob


This should return the last text value in Col H (change range as


or this array (ctrl + shift + enter) will return the last entry


VBA Noob

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