I need to evaluate the time a procedure takes to run so that I can compare 2
procedures... I was wondering if there was any advice on how it should be
My initial idea was to simply create 2 variables: startime & endtime and
place the startime at the very beginning and the endtime at the very end and
equate them equal to time(). Finally end the procedure by debug.print
endtime-startime. Does this make sence? Is there another approach I am
missing? Perhaps a tool already exists to do this type of thing that I am
not aware of?
Thank you
procedures... I was wondering if there was any advice on how it should be
My initial idea was to simply create 2 variables: startime & endtime and
place the startime at the very beginning and the endtime at the very end and
equate them equal to time(). Finally end the procedure by debug.print
endtime-startime. Does this make sence? Is there another approach I am
missing? Perhaps a tool already exists to do this type of thing that I am
not aware of?
Thank you