I have: a report with 36 fields with similar names. e.g., PCT01, PCT02,
PCT03, ...
I want: to loop through the fields, changing the format to bold if the value
of the field < .5.
Code snipet:
For i = 0 To 36
strField = PCT & IIf(i < 10, "0" & i, i)
If Me.strField / 100 < 0.5 Then
Me.strField.FontWeight = 900
Me.strField.FontWeight = 400
End If
Next i
PCT03, ...
I want: to loop through the fields, changing the format to bold if the value
of the field < .5.
Code snipet:
For i = 0 To 36
strField = PCT & IIf(i < 10, "0" & i, i)
If Me.strField / 100 < 0.5 Then
Me.strField.FontWeight = 900
Me.strField.FontWeight = 400
End If
Next i