Event Dillemma


Anthony Viscomi

I would like to trigger an Append Query to add a record to a table
after/when a record is added to another table. Here's what I have:

I have a sub-form within a tab ctrl the it contains Enrollment data; the
field that I am concerned with is Cost. It is auotmatically populated from a
Course Title cbo. When a new record is add to the underlying tbl
(dbo_course) the Cost along with other data (Student SS) is appended to a
Transactions table. My problem is that I don't know which event to use in
order to trigger the append query. I can't use the After Update event
because the user will re-enter the record in the future in order to enter
the grades for this course. I will also have to create a Delete Query to run
if this record is deleted, but that's a whole other issue.

Any thoughts?


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