event procedure



Does Access tables have event procedure like forms and reports? If so where
and how to apply such event procedures and what event procedures are
available for the table? Thanks

Albert D. Kallal

What you ask for is traditionally called a trigger in products like sql

(the answer is no, not if you are using JET).

If you create a adp project in ms-access, then the answer is yes. Of course,
using a adp project means that you are in fact using sql server with
ms-access. There is even a free version of this database engine (sql server)
included on your office cd for use with ms-access.

John Vinson

Does Access tables have event procedure like forms and reports?

If so where
and how to apply such event procedures and what event procedures are
available for the table? Thanks

To apply event procedures, use Forms. Users should never be seeing
table datasheets in any case.

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